About T20 Wireless
The T20 Wireless combines several signature RHA technologies in an exceptional, tunable in-ear monitor. The headphone is built around RHA's DualCoil driver, engineered for unparalleled precision and immersion.
T20 Wirelessには、これまで培われてきた多くのRHA社独自のテクノロジーが盛り込まれ、比類のない精度と没入感を実現しています。パーソナルでポータブル、そしてサウンドカスタマイズ可能なインイヤーイヤホンです
The T20 Wireless combines several signature RHA technologies in an exceptional, tunable in-ear monitor. The headphone is built around RHA's DualCoil driver, engineered for unparalleled precision and immersion.